Van Keuren pioneered the use of Thread Measuring Wires for pitch diameter measurements of gages, parts and taps.
• Thread wires available in labeled vials with three wires per set.
• Thread wires are stock in unified and metric sizes.
• Special thread wires: Carbide, Extra Length, XX tolerance and special sizes. (wires meet the
most recent edition of ASME B89.1.17.)
• Gear wires available in labeled vials
with two gear wires per set. (gear wires meet the most recent edition GGG-W-366b)
• Optical flats and Monochromatic Lights
Our History
The Van Keuren Company is widely recognized as the premier manufacturer of Thread and Gear Measuring Wires, Cylindrical Plug and Ring Gages, and Threaded Plug and Ring Gages. Founded in 1920 with a long history of excellence in the innovation of precision gaging and measurement. H.L. Van Keuren was an industry giant who played an important role in the development of the precision machining industry.